
E2 Visa para Inversionistas 2021: Aumento de la demanda de bienes raíces en EE. UU.

2021 E2 Visa Investors Increased U.S. Real Estate Demands Isaul VERDIN, VERDIN Law, Dallas Immigration Lawyer “WE’RE SEEING INCREASED DEMAND FOR U.S. REAL ESTATE BY FOREIGN INVESTORS SEEKING E2…


E2 Visa Real Estate Report 2021, pdf

Because VERDIN international clients often inquire about navigating the E2 visa process through a real estate investment model – this report is intended to provide general guidance through the E2 visa process via-a-vis a real estate related company.

We hope you find this report helpful as you consider investing in the U.S. and embark on your E2 visa journey. However, keep in mind that VERDIN is not providing individual recommendations on specific real estate investments. Investors should retain independent counsel to evaluate the merits of each real estate investment.

In preparing this report, VERDIN reflected on the collective experience of countless cases dealing with E2 visas involving real estate companies. Our team has processed E2 cases in U.S. Embassies in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, South America, North America, and Central America.

VERDIN is prepared and excited to work with foreign real estate investors seeking E2 visas.

VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas Real Estate Investment Report 2021
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Foreign investors continue to seek opportunities in the U.S. markets. As investors develop market opportunities, many foreign investors desire to live in the U.S.

One method of achieving U.S. residency is the E2 visa.

E2 Visas are a nonimmigrant visa for foreign investors of certain treaty countries who have invested – or are actively in the process of investing – a substantial amount of capital in a bona fide enterprise in the U.S. in any industry.

One common and mature industry that attracts the attention of many foreign investors is the real estate industry. Therefore, real estate is the focus of this report.

Importantly, USCIS E2 Visa regulations require foreign investors to actively direct and develop their enterprise. As a result, a carefully structured business model showing the foreign investor as an active director and developer of the company must be developed. Foreign investors can then make a viable case for an E2 visa through a real estate company.

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VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas Real Estate Investment 2021 Trends
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E2 Visa investors should consider the following trends given their relevance to this strategy.

Solid Economic Fundamentals
Although the COVID-19 pandemic battered the U.S. economy in 2020, one key indicator that reflects a recovery in 2021 is the decreasing unemployment rate.

According to the U.S Federal Reserve, the U.S. unemployment rate may fall to 4.5 percent or lower in 2021. In addition, leading economists forecast a positive Growth Domestic Product (GDP) rate of at least 6.5 percent.

“You’re going to see the growth rates in the middle of the year probably close to 9%. That’s how strong the reopening of the U.S. economy will be vis-a-vis the release of pent-up demand by the household sector,” said Joseph Brusuelas, chief economist at RSM.

10% GDP growth? The U.S. economy is on fire, and is about to get stoked even more

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Housing Prices

The National Association of Realtors predicts that housing prices will rise by 8 percent in 2021, and 5.5 percent in 2022. See Housing Market Reaches Record-High Home Price and Gains in March 2021

U.S. Interest Rates Forecast 2021

The ability to borrow money from U.S. banks at low interest rates continues to attract real estate investors. Rates in April 2021 are hovering around 3 percent, and are expected to stay low through 2021.

Top Post-Pandemic Real Estate Markets

According to the National Association of Realtors, the top local real estate markets post pandemic are:

  • Dallas – Fort Worth, TX
  • Austin, TX
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Boise, ID
  • Provo, UT
  • Charleston, SC

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VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas Real Estate Investment 2021 Trends Work From Home
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U.S. Workforce Working from Home

Given the conditions of the pandemic, many U.S. companies accommodated their employees to work remotely from home. This new reality has allowed many Americans to relocate to less expensive housing markets within the U.S.

Consequently, the U.S. has seen strong increases in demand in the Southern U.S. states where home prices are generally lower.

Although the number of employees that work from home may decrease in 2021 and 2022 because of improving public health conditions, the long-term trend will likely stay for a few years.

It is likely that internal U.S. relocations will shift to Texas and mountain states; such as Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. This trend will create opportunities for investors.

Reopening of the U.S. Economy

As U.S. consumers begin to feel more comfortable post-pandemic, there is pent up demand for domestic travel. Americans will travel domestically with more frequency and search for rental opportunities in vacation homes and condominiums.

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VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas 2021 Real Estate Investment Strategies - Buy and Rent
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Japan, South Korea, and Canada Lead in the Numbers.
The U.S. government starts its fiscal year in October 1 and ends the following September 30. For fiscal year 2020, Japan, Canada, and South Korea captured the most E2 visas.

However, in 2021 Japan, South Korea, and Mexico are leading with the most E2 visas.

Of key note: Japanese and South Korean businesses have learned to navigate around the H1B and L1 visas by shifting their strategies to the E2 Visa. This is because there are no cap and time filing limitations to the E2 visa. There is a reason that Japan and South Korea dominate these markets.


Buy and Rent
Managing rental property as a business strategy is an active and risky endeavor. But, where there is risk, there is opportunity and a potential for favorable investment returns. Nevertheless, many foreign investors gravitate toward real estate given its relatively stable investment attributes as compared to other investment classes. Furthermore, foreign investors appreciate the simple and direct business model of buying and renting properties. In recent years, market trends have rewarded real estate investors.

Through a well-prepared presentation, the U.S. government will consider an E-2 visa packet based on a company dedicated to buying and renting properties. Before pursuing this strategy foreign investors must conduct their due diligence and compare local market trends because all real estate is local. Contact VERDIN Law for more information and assistance.

VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas 2021 Real Estate Investment Strategies - Propery Management
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VERDIN generally advises the acquisition of two or more properties through a holding company.

If the investor plans to acquire a significant number of properties, the prudent approach is to create two companies: a holding company and a management company.

The holding company owns the properties. And the management company leases the properties to tenants. This structure should create an extra layer of liability protection for the investor.

Initially, while the investor is preparing the strategy and taking preliminary steps, he or she may travel to the U.S. on a B1/B2 visa to research the market and acquire properties.

For B1/B2 Visas: VERDIN recommends the use of a third-party property management company while the investor has a B1/B2 visa. This is needed to make certain not violate the terms of the B1/B2 visa.

Una vez que el E2 esté asegurado, el inversor puede despedir al administrador de la propiedad externo. Luego, las propiedades se pueden administrar a través de la empresa E2.

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VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas 2021 Real Estate Investment Strategies - House Flipping
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Estrategia de cambio de casa

El término «invertir» se refiere a la adquisición de una propiedad inmobiliaria, la adición de valor y, luego, la venta rápida de la propiedad. Esta estrategia requiere tiempo y coordinación con muchos contratistas independientes. Y esta estrategia tiende a favorecer a los inversores experimentados. Sin embargo, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos considerará la posibilidad de conceder un paquete de visa E-2 a una empresa dedicada a vender propiedades.

De la nota clave: Los contratistas independientes pueden reemplazar la necesidad de contratar empleados de la empresa. Existe un argumento sólido de que el uso de contratistas independientes estimulará la economía de los EE. UU. Esto establece que la empresa E-2 no es marginal.

Ver 4 consejos para conocer los requisitos de marginalidad de la visa E2.

Estrategia híbrida

Una estrategia prudente consiste en combinar tanto la estrategia de compra y arrendamiento como la estrategia de inversión. Este enfoque dual diversificará las estrategias de inversión para aprovechar mejor las condiciones del mercado.

El gobierno de los Estados Unidos considerará un paquete de visa E2 bien planificado basado en una estrategia híbrida. Póngase en contacto con VERDIN Law para obtener más información y asistencia.

Estrategia de desarrollo territorial

El inversor extranjero también puede decidir que el desarrollo de tierras es una estrategia de inversión adecuada. Esta estrategia requiere medidas proactivas para demostrar que el inversor extranjero ha utilizado capital para desarrollar la tierra, más allá del costo de adquirir la tierra sin cultivar.

Por ejemplo, el inversor puede demostrar que ha utilizado fondos para pagar los honorarios de ingeniería civil, las inspecciones, los permisos y los costos de mejora.

VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas 2021 Real Estate Investment Strategies - Land Development
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Al utilizar cualquiera de las estrategias, es importante reservar también la posibilidad de realizar servicios de consultoría. Esto permite al inversor extranjero optar por los servicios empresariales auxiliares.

VERDIN tiene experiencia en múltiples estrategias de visas E2 que involucran proyectos inmobiliarios en los Estados Unidos. Póngase en contacto con VERDIN Law para obtener más información y asistencia.

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VERDIN Dallas Immigration Law - E2 Visas 2021 Real Estate Investment Strategies - Benefits
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La visa E2 tiene algunas ventajas clave. Los inversores extranjeros deben considerar algunos de los siguientes beneficios de la visa E2.

Beneficios de la visa E2

  • Permite al inversor renovar indefinidamente su visa E2.
  • Los cónyuges pueden obtener una autorización de empleo.
  • Los niños menores de 21 años también pueden obtener la visa E2 como dependientes y asistir a escuelas públicas o privadas.
  • Procesamiento rápido en las embajadas o consulados de EE. UU.
  • Permite el acceso a los mercados inmobiliarios para operar y expandir activamente las empresas relacionadas con el sector inmobiliario.
  • Permite a los inversores con visa E2 patrocinar a otros ejecutivos extranjeros con la misma nacionalidad que el propietario del inversor.
  • Si bien la visa E2 es una visa de no inmigrante, existen algunas vías hacia la residencia, si se planifican cuidadosamente.

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Best Lawyers in America 2021 Recognition - Isaul Verdin, Dallas Immigration Lawyer
Isaul Verdin, VERDÍN Fundador de Derecho y Abogado Gerente

Ley de inmigración de VERDIN en Dallas

VERDÍN es un bufete de abogados de inmigración de servicio completo que ofrece soluciones integrales de inmigración a empleadores internacionales, inversores, nuevas empresas, individuos y familias. Cada VERDÍN el cliente recibe un plan personalizado diseñado para ofrecer los mejores resultados.

Isaul Verdin es un Abogado de inmigración certificado por la Junta de Texas con más de 20 años de experiencia en ley de inmigración.

Desde su creación, VERDÍN se ha ganado la reputación de prevalecer incluso en los asuntos de inmigración más complicados. Hoy, VERDÍN aprovecha su experiencia, sus relaciones con la industria y su tecnología de vanguardia para guiar a los clientes de manera segura y eficiente a través del intrincado sistema de inmigración de los EE. UU.

VERDÍN trabaja con clientes en Dallas, EE. UU. y México, así como en América Central y del Sur.

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